Studio Conceal Scalp Micropigmentation Scar and Stretch Mark Tattoos

Why multiple SMP sessions are required to achieve best results

micropigmentation hair tattoo

SMP, or scalp micro-pigmentation, is a revolutionary treatment in which hair loss is effectively managed. It requires multiple SMP sessions in order to be effective, and the amount of time needed for results will depend on multiple factors, including the skin and hair color of the client and any scar tissue which will need to be repaired.

How Many Sessions Are Normally Required?

For most clients who do not have any scars or skin conditions such as alopecia it will take approximately two to four sessions in order for the treatment to be completed. Many clients are happy with the results after two sessions but if fading occurs they will return for more. Most will require three sessions and a smaller percentage of those with challenging scalps and skin will require at least four.

Why Do Some Men Need More Sessions Than Others?

There are a number of reasons why some men will need more sessions than others. Some men have immune responses that are very active, while others will want a number of adjustments made during the procedure. Some men have scar tissue that disperses and absorbs pigment easily, while in other cases the provider will utilize a pigment that is too light for the client’s skin. There are also cases where the depth of penetration is simply too shallow to be effective, requiring multiple treatments.

What About Technicians Who Claim They Can Do Everything In One Session?

Most clinics are not capable of providing quality scalp micro-pigmentation within a single session. A number of prominent providers have attempted doing everything in one session, as it would provide them greater profits and benefit their customers who would not have to constantly take time out of their schedule to stop by for treatment.

However, the results of these attempts have found that single session scalp micro pigmentation is simply not reliable. This however does not mean that a single session is impossible, and advances in technology make it very likely that in the near future technicians will be able to provide SMP much more efficiently than is done today.

Why The Amount Of Sessions You Have Is Important

During a session, a layer of specialized dots will be put onto the client’s scalp. An excessive number of sessions can result in a reduction of the definition of individualized dots since the technician will have insufficient space, which means the dots have been positioned in close proximity to one another.

The medical-grade pigment may also respond differently depending on the skin quality and type; even areas of the scalp can respond differently. This is why skilled providers will prevent clients from having more sessions than are needed.

By allowing the pigment to settle after the first session and for the skin to relax, it’ll help correct pigment tone in the second session and build up the look of density. Here at Studio Conceal, we’ll cover as many sessions as we feel is necessary to deliver a natural-looking result, giving you peace of mind.

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